Katsauksessa: Carmageddon Reincarnation - KebabKenraali


Katsauksessa: Carmageddon Reincarnation

Video on julkaistu alunperin 2016 osana pelihaastetta. Pelihaaste jota tulen tänä vuonna taas jatkamaan.

Carmageddon: Reincarnation is latest game from Carmageddon racing series. Game where you can win you race by finishing first, trashing other racers car or even run over many pedestrials.
Game was one of the games that i have backed over Kickstarter. But it takes me this long to actually play this game.

Game is infamous for crashing (not to other cars) and long loading time. But this game has get some patches and now game run solid without any noticing performance troubles.

Ok it’s still load about 30sec to start your race. But good soundtrack saves a’lot.

This is my 4th game from my #gamingchallenge

Now you can join my cause on Facebook group and tell your stories and take a part of conversions about gaming challenge 2016.

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